621 Broken B Lane, Kaysville, UT 84037


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LegalDmvLookup was launched because we want people to be able to access the driving records they have a right to see. These records are public documents under various Freedom of Information Act laws, yet most people don't have any idea how to look them up.

To solve this problem, we've created search engine software and a huge database of up-to-date information about public driving records in North America. Using our software system, you can look up someone's driving history in a matter of minutes for a fair price. The information you may find can include:

  • Speeding tickets
  • Drunk driving charges
  • Reckless driving charges
  • Vehicular assault
  • Suspended license
  • Vehicular manslaughter
  • Refusing to take a breath test

You can use this search system to make sure you don't end up riding with an unsafe driver. Other people use it to look up their own driving history. Driving history records are created and reported by government officials. They are human beings and can make mistakes. Should you find an error, you can correct it.

Many people use our system as part of the online dating process. If they meet someone on line they want to make sure they are a safe driver before getting in a car with them. Other people use it to make sure their children's friends are safe drivers. Isn't that worth a couple minutes of your time?

Working together to help you

We look at the Dmvrecordsinc.com service as a team effort. Everyone here works together to help you.

  • We provide outstanding customer service.
  • We offer records that are as up-to-date as possible.
  • Our reports are very easy to read and understand.
  • We provide a fair pricing structure.
  •  We work together to protect you and your family.

Our reports are based on information provided to us by third-party sources. We cannot be accountable for any mistakes or omissions they may make. All of the information, images and code on our site is covered by copyright and trademark laws.

Our site may contain typographical or other errors. We cannot guarantee that any information provided on our site or in our reports is error-free. We may change the terms of our offer at any time in the future.